
segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Seguindo o Caminho errado/ Following the Wrong Way

     Como prometido, estou postando a foto referente ao Storyboard já postado anteriormente, que faz um paralelo a cena de Arnold, quando criança. Praticamente o mesmo quadro, mostra como crianças se tornam vilões e policiais partem para o crime. 

As promised, I am posting the picture related to Storyboard already posted earlier, which parallels the scene of Arnold when a child. Practically the same position shows how children can become villains and how policemen can go to the crime way.

   Abaixo uma cena da transição de George para o Crime.
   Below is the transition scene from George to the crime.

E a próxima o Gangster, membro da Gang de Scarface, contratando George para um servicinho nas Industrias de Gotham!!! 
And in the next picture, a Scarface's gang member, he is hiring George to do a little job in the industry of Gotham!

10 comentários:

  1. Gostei bastante da estética. A fotografia do filme em geral tem uma predominância azul, ou só em algumas cenas como essas?

  2. Particularmente nessa...na cena do Cinema na qual está um tanto azulada, vai acabar tendo um tom sépia...e essa azulada. Nas cenas do Batman vem surpresa ai na Fotografia... ;)

  3. From what I have seen so far this project seems to be top notch and that Scarface & The Ventriloquist are in it , my favorite Batman villain(s), just makes it even better :). I'm from Sweden and I guess the film will be in portugese so I'm wondering if there will be subtitles? Also has it been set how long it will be?

    Really looking forward to this one!

  4. Thanks, buddy. We've always wanted to do The Ventriloquist & Scarface much like the comics. And to make he seems as organic as possible as the gang's leader and not a toy constructed in a hurry. I like to see him as Al Capone. It's great to see someone of Sweden commenting on a blog of Brazil because it means we're headed in the right way and certainly there will be subtitles in English, and most probably also in Spanish. Thank you for your comment and hope I have not written anything wrong that impede their comprehension in English. ;) The film will probably have 50 minutes, and I think that will surprise to many for having a slightly different story of Batman's films today's. We're working hard in the movie and it is very nice we know that people arround the world are following us.

    Continue writing that I will be glad to respond you. See ya.

  5. Haha que legal ver que tem até gente de fora se interessando pelo projeto. :)
    E sobre a duração, adorei saber que deve ter em torno de 50 minutos, pois a maioria dos curtas do Batman que eu vi eram bem curtos mesmo. Acho que o maior é City of Scars, com pouco mais de meia hora.

  6. Legal neh...:) Eh pois então...creio que vai ter mais ou menos isso de duração...

  7. Another question I think have been asked before in one of the topics is there going to be a trailer soon? The answer I think you gave was that it will be a trailer but it would be a while before you release it, so I'm wondering when we can expect a trailer? Or perhaps even a release of the whole movie?

    There is some other questions I would love to ask but I think it would be much more fun to see it myself when it's done, so I'll wait impatiently :P.

    But there is one other question that might can be answered but if it a secret and to much of a spoiler I can understand that you do not want to answer that. And the question is of what nature is Scarface in this movie - is he possessed by souls or is he only "real" by The Ventriloquist's multi personality disorder? I like both versions so it dosen't really matter what it is but I'm interested to know.

    By the way I really like the design of Scarface's head that have been showned before and the picture you can see him behind a curtain in the cinema with hat and suit, even if he is almost all covered in shadow to set the tone, is awsome! And the Batman mask is great as well

  8. Oh! I forgot to ask; who will play the Ventriloquist when he is grown up?

  9. Hello I do not have much filmed material to make a good trailer yet. But I think as the film is gaining popularity and how we are still a bit away from finishing it I think of respect for the fans I'll make one in end this year. :) The nature of Scarface is not by souls. The story of the film talks a lot about the evil that Gotham City brings to the people its. The city was the cause of Bruce Wayne had become Batman. And one of the sources created by Bob Kane and Frank Miller to Bruce Wayne has the form of a bat is very simple. A bat has broken the window of the room of Wayne's Mansion. It was a symbol that Bruce could use to do justice. Scarface was created by Arnold Wesker when he was a child by a simple way too. A trauma in his life and a Gangster's figure. A gangster that Arnold has loved (The reasons will be revealed) but that He couldn't be. Wesker will create Scarface to servir and protect it. :P
